Milan Kundera Quotes

Text Quotes
Man can only be certain about the present moment. But is that quite true either? Can he really know the present? Is he in a position to make any judgment about it? Certainly not. For how can a person with no knowledge of the future understand the meaning of the present? If we do not know what future the present is leading us toward, how can we say whether this present is good or bad, whether it deserves our concurrence, or our suspicion, or our hatred? (Milan Kundera Quotes)
Just imagine living in a world without mirrors. You’d dream about your face and imagine it as an outer reflection of what is inside you. And then, when you reached forty, someone put a mirror before you for the first time in your life. Imagine your fright! You’d see the face of a stranger. And you’d know quite clearly what you are unable to grasp: your face is not you (Milan Kundera Quotes)
... she merely wished to find a way out of the maze. She knew that she had become a burden to him: she took things too seriously, turning everything into a tragedy, and failed to grasp the lightness and amusing insignificance of physical love. How she wished she could learn lightness! She yearned for someone to help her out of her anachronistic shell (Milan Kundera Quotes)
If we cannot accept the importance of the world, which considers itself important, if in the midst of that world our laughter finds no echo, we have but one choice: to take the world as a whole and make it the object of our game; to turn it into a toy (Milan Kundera Quotes)
No episode is a priori condemned to remain an episode forever, for every event, no matter how trivial, conceals within itself the possibility of sooner or later becoming the cause of other events and thus changing into a story or an adventure. Episodes are like land mines. The majority of them never explode, but the most unremarkable of them may someday turn into a story that will prove fateful to you (Milan Kundera Quotes)
The man hunched over his motorcycle can focus only on the present... he is caught in a fragment of time cut off from both the past and the future... he has no fear, because the source of fear is in the future, and a person freed of the future has nothing to fear (Milan Kundera Quotes)
If our planet has seen some eighty billion people it is difficult to suppose hat every individual has had his or her own repertory of gestures. Arithmetically, it is simply impossible. Without the slightest doubt, there are far fewer gestures in the world than there are individuals. That finding leads us to a shocking conclusion: a gesture is more individual than an individual. We could put it in the form of an aphorism: many people, few gestures (Milan Kundera Quotes)
Her kitsch was the image of home, all peace, quiet, and harmony, and ruled by a loving mother and a wise father. It was an image that took shape in her after the death of her parents. The less her life resembled the sweetest of dreams, the more sensitive she was to its magic, and more than once she shed tears when the ungrateful daughter in a sentimental film embraced the neglected father as the windows of the happy family’s house shone out into the dying day (Milan Kundera Quotes)
Bacon’s portraits are an interrogation on the limits of the self. Up to what degree of distortion does an individual still remain himself? To what degree of distortion does a beloved person still remain a beloved person? For how long does a cherished face growing remote through illness, through madness, through hatred, through death still remain recognizable? Where is the border beyond which a self ceases to be a self? (Milan Kundera Quotes)
It was the call of all those fortuities... Which gave her the courage to leave home and change her fate (Milan Kundera Quotes)
It is right to chide man for being blind to such coincidences in his daily life. For he thereby deprives his life of a dimension of beauty (Milan Kundera Quotes)
No, vertigo is something other than the fear of falling. It is the voice of emptiness below us which tempts and lures us, it is the desire to fall, against which, terrified, we defend ourselves (Milan Kundera Quotes)
Dreaming is not merely an act of communication; it is also an aesthetic activity, a game of the imagination, a game that is a value in itself (Milan Kundera Quotes)
The moment love is born: The woman cannot resist the voice calling forth her terrified soul; the man cannot resist the woman whose soul thus responds to his voice (Milan Kundera Quotes)
Love begins at the point when a woman enters her first word into our poetic memory (Milan Kundera Quotes)
When the heart speaks, the mind finds it indecent to object. In the realm of kitsch, the dictatorship of the heart reigns supreme (Milan Kundera Quotes)
We can regard the gulag as a septic tank used by totalitarian kitsch to dispose of its refuse (Milan Kundera Quotes)
It is always that way: between the moment he meets her again and the moment he recognizes her for the woman he loves, he has some distance to go (Milan Kundera Quotes)
You can suffer nostalgia in the presence of the beloved if you glimpse a future where the beloved is no more (Milan Kundera Quotes)
He felt as if she no longer existed for him, had gone off somewhere, into some other life where, if he should meet her, he would no longer recognize her (Milan Kundera Quotes)
She said: I get scared when my eye blinks. Scared that during that second when my gaze is switched off, a snake or a rat or another man could slip into your place (Milan Kundera Quotes)
The realization that he was utterly powerless was like the blow of a sledgehammer, yet it was curiously calming as well (Milan Kundera Quotes)
Just make someone who has fallen in love listen to his stomach rumble, and the unity of body and soul, that lyrical illusion of the age of science, instantly falls away (Milan Kundera Quotes)